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PTLog Top

This page is the top of PTLog support site.

PTLog focuses on (1) Pluggability of underlying logging frameworks, (2) Type-based categorization and (3) some formatting utility on Logging.

PTLog does not compete against any other "pure" logging framework (e.g.: JDK Logging API and Apache Log4j), but can co-operate with them as abstraction layer on them.

Please see "What PTLog is" for detail.

What's new

date overview

Release PTLog 1.0 from as one of its projects.

See "History" for complete log.

Quick start

Please read for quick start:

Table of contents

title overview

Documentation of PTLog.

It is as same as "document package" distribution


File release system for PTLog project.

Please see "README.en.txt" for list of contents in archive files.


License of PTLog.


Complete change log of PTLog.


Complete change log of this support site.

Related links

Java Logging API

Logging API part of online JDK documentation.

Apache Log4j

Home page of Apache Log4j project.

Commons Logging

Home page of "Commons Logging" in Jakarta project.